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Spring Newsletter 2025
Pontypridd Osteopaths • March 3, 2025

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Spring Newsletter 2025

Welcome to our Spring newsletter 2025 as we approach our 37th year of operation

 in Pontypridd.

As like all small businesses, we are finding that rising staff and general running costs a challenge, so we are asking patients to please pay by cash, whenever possible, to help us keep credit card fees to a minimum.

As always, we are extremely grateful to our patients who regularly return for maintenance treatment and also refer patients to us. You will continue to receive a voucher for 20% off your next appointment each time you refer someone to us. Without your support we could not remain in business.


  1. Clinic News
  2. General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) Registration
  3. Professional Census 2024 by the Institute of Osteopathy (iO)
  4. Bank Holiday opening times

Clinic News:-

We said goodbye to Kim in January. Angela will now be working Thursdays to cover Kim’s list of patients. Kim’s patients can also book with Gabe, Imran and Charlie.


Also we will sadly be saying goodbye to Abbie, our holistic therapist, at the end of March.  Abbie will be missed by our staff and her clients alike. We all wish her well for the future.


Jo Bogacz is no longer part of our team. It seems there is no call for Yoga Therapy in Pontypridd unfortunately. We all send Jo our well wishes.


We do have a new staff member joining us in March. Marion Moody is a counsellor who will be seeing clients on a Monday afternoon. Marion will be a welcome addition to our team of talking therapists. See our website for a full list of counsellors and psychotherapists available for private consultation.

Marion’s contact details: -

Telephone :07847178007

Email :

Fee increase

Due to increasing running costs our fees will increase on March 1st 2025 – the first time since 2023, as follows: -

                              New/Re-Exam   Return

Angela                                   £68                 £55

Associate Osteopath           £60                 £53

Under 16’s                             £57                 £48

Acupuncture                          £70                 £57

All our osteopaths have to do continual professional development in order to keep registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC).  

Angela is currently training with the Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy (SCCO), following their pathway of training. After completing 5 modules, Angela can call herself a member of the SCCO, using the letters MSCCO after her name.

Professional Census 2024 

by the Institute of Osteopathy (iO)

Findings now published

Every three years for the last decade the iO has commissioned a census of the profession, designed to gather insight regarding current osteopathic practice identify opportunities and inform how we develop as a profession.  The report has just been published and we share with you some key findings.

The previous census was conducted in the aftermath of the Coronavirus pandemic, and reassuringly, the 2024 survey indicates that the profession has bounced back stronger than ever, recovering quickly to pre-pandemic levels.  It is encouraging to see the profession remains buoyant, with nearly a third of practices having recruited additional clinical staff over the last six months and a similar number suggesting that they intend to do so over the next six months.

The lack of growth in the number of osteopaths in the country and the ageing demographic of the profession remains a concern.  It is clear that the address this, we will need to continue to work collaboratively with colleagues throughout our community to establish additional attractive educational offerings and career progression opportunities to inspire more students to pursue a career in Osteopathy and support current practitioners to continue to develop their skills and their careers, and the data from the Census will inform this transformation.

For the first time, we have sought views regarding what inspires colleagues to join the profession and to identify the barriers that must be overcome.  This information will be used to inform future student recruitment drives and support the profession’s return to growth.  The survey provides insights that we hope will inspire new ways to improve patient access to osteopathy and see the profession continue to thrive.  It also provides insight that will allow us to continue to evolve our support to the profession and stimulate new services that enhance our value to each and every member.

By capitalising on Osteopathy’s strength, which comes from the breadth and diversity of practice, we will by working collaboratively across the profession and beyond, be able to enhance the profession’s reputation and ability to respond to changing healthcare needs while maintaining our distinctive identity, capabilities and approach to healthcare.


  • The ratio of male to female respondents was broadly comparable to registration figures reported by the General Osteopathic Council during the same period.
  • Demographic data regarding country of origin and reported disability or impairment were broadly comparable with the UK Government Census 2021.
  • Marginally lower ethnic diversity and marginally higher representation of no-heterosexual orientation was noted (c.6%).
  • 36% of respondents were over the age of 55.

Figure 1 : Respondent's Age

Regional distribution

  • 50% of respondents reported living and working in London and the South East.
  • Regional distribution, age, ethnicity, marital status and career stage remain largely unchanged since the previous Census in 2021.

Figure 2 : Regional distribution


Spring Bank Holidays

 Good Friday 18th April, 2025             OPEN

Easter Saturday 19th April, 2025       OPEN

Easter Monday 21st April, 2025          OPEN


May Day Monday 5th May, 2025       OPEN

Monday 26th May, 2025                     OPEN


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